Common Linux commands

This is a list of frequently used Linux SSH/shell commands. It may not apply to all Linux distributions.

cd : change directory (ex: cd /home)

dir: list files in directory
ls : list files in a certain directory (ex: ls /home)
ls -al : list all files in current directory

vi : opens vi editor to edit files (ex: vi filename)

rm : deletes a file (asks for confirmation)
rm -f : deletes a file w/o confirmation
rm -rf : deletes a folder and all files within it w/o confirmation (be very careful!)

cp : copy a file (ex: cp file1 file2)

top : shows live system stats such as CPU, RAM, load, etc

ps : shows process status - every program on the VPS will have a process ID (PID)
ps aux : shows all processes
ps U username : show processes from user

df -h : show disk space and partition info
du -sh : shows disk space summary in human readable format (ex: du -sh * - shows disk space usage of everything in current directory)

kill : terminate a process (obtain process IDs via "top")
kill -9 : force kill a process (ex: kill -9 PID)

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